Sunday, September 14, 2008

On Cat Street adaptation, etc, etc..

Mood: Happy (Just met up with Chingyorakugan and others the other day! ^__^)
Reason for posting this: More ranting! :p

Upon visiting, I stumbled upon Cat Street! I never knew that there's gonna be a Live of the manga I <3..


• I :heart: Kouichi's character and I love how the manga is progressing. Sadly, he wasn't as quiet as he is in the manga. No more telephaty between Keito and Kouichi.. T__T

• Rei's character was already well defined.. *sigh* Why, why, why, why do they have to turn him into a dancing mute? (oooh, no puns intended for the handicapped) He was suppose to be *tooot* and *tooot*.. Agggghhh!! T__T

• The girl who played Momiji was the one who played Mouri Ran (as corrected by Nellie.. :p) with Oguri Shun in Detective Conan.. (never liked her, gomen -_-;)

• The one who played Aoyama Keito and Mine Kouichi? Never heard nor seen them anywhere.. Waaaaa.. T__T (maybe it's just me who haven't seen them anywhere else..)

Here they are:


Every time I look at Kimura Ryo (far right), I still imagine him playing Takahashi Noriyuki, the gay Violinist, in Nodame Cantabile Live.. *ROFL*


In the future, I hope they do a Live of Parfait Tic.. BUT!! Only Oguri Shun is allowed to play Daiya!! Ahahaha.. :) Oooh, but then again he can also play Ichi since he's always been casted as the 'silent' type..

Chigau, chigau!! He's MY Daiya! ^____^

Kyaaaaaa! <^O^>


Anonymous said...

correct me if I'm wrong, I believe it was "Ran Mouri" kc db ung father nya si Kogoro. hehe, makapgcomment lang no wahehe! ^___^ love yah!


Anonymous said...

gomen,. gomen.. eto na po.. babaguhin ko na.. :D


Anonymous said...

better! wahehehe! loves yah! ^__^
